Student Activities and Online Games

The campus student life is one of the most important phases in a young student’s life when experiencing the great field of intellectual ideas, learning and studying fundamentals as well as making new friends for a lifetime. It is the time where you are full ... Continue Reading →

Six Must-Have Mobile Apps for College Students

There’s no denying the fact: College students comprise a major chunk of smartphone users with school children closely bringing up the rear! So, it’s no surprise that application creators are targeting the former group with a vengeance. Here’s a roundup ... Continue Reading →

Smart ways to socialize your Student life

Students are the first adapters when it comes to technology and new ways of connecting with one another. Many hypes sprung from the student community. As StudentLifeOnline already discussed in the post Essential Educational Apps for College Students there are many ... Continue Reading →

Laptops for Students

We all know that being a student means in most cases having very limited budget for electronic, fun and gadget toys. As a student we are permanently busy coordinating various online and offline classes, schedules and studies at home. Today, in the year 2012, we ... Continue Reading →

WordPress for Education Blogs

When I was searching earlier today to study the process as well as available options and costs for online classes to extend my MBA in Information Technology, I noticed that most of the websites found in my google search are actually wordpress based. Then after ... Continue Reading →

The Future of Education: Tablet PCs

Learning has always be the most important factor in human evolution and human history. To make learning even more rewarding, new futuristic ideas are developed from daily brainstorming constantly. Digital learning has reached a very high powered by the public internet ... Continue Reading →

Famous People who were Educators

Teachers are not simply born but it also takes very special people to inspire students within the classroom. Most important for teachers is of course their very personal and unique experiences, knowledge and skills to bring everything together on the classroom ... Continue Reading →