5 Qualities of a Good Elementary School Teacher
Elementary school can be tough – kids are thrown into a social environment, many of them for the first time, and they have to face making friends, dealing with bullies, and establishing their self-worth, on top of the wealth of knowledge and basic skills ... Continue Reading →
Why Getting Back in Touch with High School Friends can be Good for You
Do you remember your high school graduation? The social circle you had then is probably much different from the one you have now, but at the time, you and your friends intended to keep in touch. Some of you may have gone off to college while others stayed in the ... Continue Reading →
The Freshman 15: It’s Not All You Should Worry About
For many young people about to start college, the famous Freshman 15 is a very real concern. According to Connie Diekman, the director of university nutrition at Washington University in St. Louis, the 15 pounds gained by freshman is really only an average. This ... Continue Reading →
Why We Need Social Workers in Schools
As budget cuts loom, school districts across the country are attempting to trim the fat from their budgets. This trimming often includes staff cuts, leading to questions of who really needs to work within the walls of school buildings. While we clearly need highly-qualified ... Continue Reading →
Five Easy Ways to Get Your Brain Ready for College
It should come as no surprise to you that your brain will be your biggest asset in college. Chances are that you take care of the other organs in your body, but you need to make sure that you’re keeping your brain just as healthy. If you’ve been neglecting ... Continue Reading →
Relax: Health Tips for the Stressed out Student
If you ask any recent or pending college graduate, he or she will tell you that college is or has been one of the most stressful periods in their life. From ten page research papers to final exams, college is wrought with demands that can make the most level-headed ... Continue Reading →
No Money for College? Think Again
According to the College Board, the current, average, yearly cost of attending college is $22,261. A private college will cost you even more, averaging just over $43,000 per year. At first glance, these numbers may make it seem like a college education is out of ... Continue Reading →