Six Must-Have Mobile Apps for College Students
There’s no denying the fact: College students comprise a major chunk of smartphone users with school children closely bringing up the rear! So, it’s no surprise that application creators are targeting the former group with a vengeance. Here’s a roundup ... Continue Reading →
Augment Your Faith with an Online College Degree
In this day and age, a college degree is an absolute must for those with professional ambitions. In some cases, a Masters degree or M.B.A. is needed to separate you from the rabble. Of course, balancing your college life with your faith can be a challenge. What’s ... Continue Reading →
Smart ways to socialize your Student life
Students are the first adapters when it comes to technology and new ways of connecting with one another. Many hypes sprung from the student community. As StudentLifeOnline already discussed in the post Essential Educational Apps for College Students there are many ... Continue Reading →
RVing with the Family: A Survival Guide
What parent doesn’t relish the thought of a family vacation? The kids in the backseat hitting each other, asking when you’ll get there for the hundredth time; your spouse refusing to stop and ask for directions; the ten bucks that you’ll have ... Continue Reading →
Tips to Fund Your Study Abroad
A student studying abroad gets an opportunity to improve academic knowledge and also experiance various cultural awareness. Students’ studying overseas also develop a better understanding of the world and simultaneously learn the required skill and abilities ... Continue Reading →
Essential Educational Apps for College Students
The end of September saw Facebook and the Gates Foundation collaborate on an important event – a “hackathon” that aimed at creating apps for students who are college hunting. The winners get to develop their own app with assistance, and more importantly ... Continue Reading →
How to Choose the Best School for You
Whether you attend an online college or a traditional, brick and mortar school, the school that you choose can make a very real difference in your success or failure as a student. It’s important to take your time researching schools in order to select the ... Continue Reading →