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How Keeping Your Room Clean Can Improve Your Grades

Whether you attend college online or in a traditional classroom setting, your room and your personal space can make a big impact on how you study, concentrate, get your homework done, and even sleep.

Healthy Learning

Keeping your room, home, and surroundings clutter free, neat, and orderly can impact your grades because a clutter free environment means a clutter free mind. This article offers tips and tricks for college students to keep their room and work space clean and clutter free to help improve study habits and promote healthy living.

Reduce Clutter

Have you ever stayed in a hotel and felt so much more relaxed and at ease than usual? Sure part of that is because you were likely on vacation; however, there is a hidden psychological reason that makes hotel rooms more relaxing: they are clutter free zones. You only bring a small suitcase of your things to a hotel room, there is no clutter in the room, there are no extraneous pieces of furniture, and there are not little “knick knacks” covering every surface and available nook and cranny. Plus, on top of all of that, it is cleaned and straightened out daily. If you keep these basic principles in mind for your room, dorm, or living space it will help you stay clutter free. Other steps you can take to reduce the amount of clutter:

Organized Study Habits

Besides making sure that your desk is clean and clutter free, you can build good study habits. Building habits simply requires doing the same things over and over again in the same place and at the same times. Once you are “in the habit” of doing something, such as studying or reading, at the same time each day it becomes easier to do it. Experts say that it takes about 3 weeks of repetition to make it a habit.  Keeping your desk organized is also important so that everything has a place and can be found right when and where you need it.

Clear Environment, Clear Mind

Psychologists and design experts both agree that a clean and clutter free room helps you think better, relax more, and fall asleep easier. That means that reducing the clutter in your environment can help you think more efficiently and also helps your memory retain more information when it is operating at its best. Part of an optimum room for studying in addition to being clutter free and clean is one that smells nice. There is something to be said about aromatherapy, or just having a nice clean scent that you like. This makes for a total package for a nice environment that you can work and relax in.

Josh Ferrell is blogger for He enjoys sharing college life tips and ideas.

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