Student Life Online – The Student Blog

Laptop vs Tablet: Which One Is Better For Students?

In classrooms throughout the nation, the pencil and paper are rapidly becoming archaic tools of the past, giving way to the electronic device. While many educators agree that the computer has an important place in education, a great debate has begun regarding which form it should take–the laptop or the tablet.

While the laptop remains the favored contender, the tablet has accumulated a legion of loyal fans. Here are some of the strengths and weakness associated with each choice.

The Laptop

The laptop has proven its usefulness in schools throughout the United States and beyond thanks to a multitude of positive attributes.


A relative newcomer compared to the laptop, the tablet does have several characteristics that make it an attractive option.

As you can see, both the laptop and the tablet boast unique benefits. While the laptop continues to rule the educational roost, many school boards have adopted the tablet. Weigh the pros and cons of each and choose the option that suits you best. And enjoy your new device!

Which device do you think is better for students?

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