How to Get the Best Bang for Your Buck When Purchasing a New Car

With the average person spending $30, 000 on a new car, the purchase is second only to the family home when it comes to expense. When you’re laying so much money down, you want to get bang for your buck. Read on discover te best way to get a bargain when ... Continue Reading →

Hey College Kids, It’s Time for Some Myths and Smart Facts

As you prepare for college, you’ll inevitably be fed a crock full of garbage. Ranging from misunderstandings and rumors to a straight out lie, there are a lot of legends circling about the daily life of a college student in America. If you’re about ... Continue Reading →

Post-College: Time to Clean Up Your Facebook Profile

College was the best! All those parties, makeout sessions, and funny pranks; everything that marks a youthful, fun, vigorous young person are awesome. Only now you’re facing a workforce where 45 percent of human resources professionals admit they look at a person’s ... Continue Reading →

What to Expect from an Associate Degree in Paralegal

Becoming a paralegal is empowering and special. It means that a person can be self-sufficient for life and satisfied in a meaningful career. If you’re considering becoming a paralegal, here are some of the great things you can expect. Continue Reading →

Are Mutual Funds Relevant for College Students?

Investors are constantly looking for new ways to earn larger returns on their investments. Because of this, many old options have become obsolete (or at least undesirable). Here is a look at how mutual funds are viewed by today’s smartest investors. Continue Reading →

A Good Internet Connection is Essential for Students

Whether you’ve moved house or are simply having Internet installed for the first time, it’s important that you understand your choices. While you may not have many choices when it comes to a type of provider, you do have a decision to make when it comes ... Continue Reading →

How Millennial Graduates are taking Entry Level Jobs in Canada

Recent survey conducted by Statistics Canada reports that around 51,000 new jobs were created in February 2013. This is a positive surprise for a country that has been recuperating from the global economic downturn in 2008. Now the important question is: would ... Continue Reading →