The Benefits of Music Education for Elementary School Students
The campaign to save music education has come to a screeching halt since the recession, mostly because education in general continues to suffer massive budget cuts in the United States. In 2013, 35 states will spend less per student than they did 5 years ago, with ... Continue Reading →
No Money for College? Think Again
According to the College Board, the current, average, yearly cost of attending college is $22,261. A private college will cost you even more, averaging just over $43,000 per year. At first glance, these numbers may make it seem like a college education is out of ... Continue Reading →
Best Law Schools for 2013
There are lots of reasons for already practicing attorneys and legal professionals to go back to school for additional degrees and more education. Maybe you want to go into a different area of law. Maybe you want to teach law. Maybe you’re currently a paralegal ... Continue Reading →
LearnSprout Rolls Out Lineup of New Apps for Educators
One of the first Application Programming Interface developers for primary and secondary education schools, LearnSprout, has unveiled two new applications at the Ed’Tech Business Forum. Named as the ‘LearnSprout Dashboard’ and the ‘LearnSprout Messages’, ... Continue Reading →
How to Successfully Scale the Corporate Ladder
The infamous corporate ladder is not as difficult to scale as you once thought. With the right attitude and a solid belief in yourself, you can move up the rungs of this invisible ladder to enjoy greater success. When you are ready to stop standing still on the ... Continue Reading →
Student Activities and Online Games
The campus student life is one of the most important phases in a young student’s life when experiencing the great field of intellectual ideas, learning and studying fundamentals as well as making new friends for a lifetime. It is the time where you are full ... Continue Reading →
Common College Crimes Every Student Should Avoid
College is supposed to be the best four years of your life; you can’t enjoy them very much, however, if you’re in jail. (Uh oh!) As much as we’d like to think that college students spend their free time in the library, they’re up to a heck of a lot more ... Continue Reading →