Have You Started Looking For Student Accommodation For Next Year?

Whilst it might seem too early to be considering student accommodation for the next academic year the best accommodation tends to get taken very quickly. Getting your student accommodation booked now means that you will have a much larger choice, whereas waiting ... Continue Reading →

A Few Tips to Improve Your Student Life

Student life is not that easy, at least not as good as we think. Between classes, revisions, group work, internships or having to work on evenings and / or weekends to pay for your studies, this is often a lot. Of course, being a student, there are also great ... Continue Reading →

How to do your personality development in holidays?

We often hear the term ‘personality development’ from our teachers, mentors, from the self-help books, banners and institutions. Until recently people believed that personality is permanent. But the truth is far from it; we can improve our personality if we ... Continue Reading →

Pave the Way to Your Dream Job Starting in Freshman Year

Often, students wait until their last year, or even last month, of college to start trying for their dream job. That could be a big mistake. In the market today, where almost everyone has a college degree, it is crucial that you set yourself apart from the next ... Continue Reading →

Top 10 Reasons to be a Student For Life

Being a student, is more than a state of mind, it’s a passion. But now, your studies come to an end and you have about as much desire to register for an employment center than to spend an hour with a ghost. Do not panic, you have the right to never stop ... Continue Reading →

Should You Get A Chromebook For Christmas?

The shopping days before Christmas are becoming fewer–pause for screams of panic–and you need to start thinking about your wish list. And, at the top of your list? A new computer. You just need to figure out exactly which one you want. Continue Reading →

How Students Can Avoid Personal Loan Scams

“No money down? No problem. Bad Credit? Don’t worry about it. We guarantee that your loan will be approved.” Wow! That sounds like a borrower’s dream come true. What student doesn’t need a little extra cash to get them through the ... Continue Reading →