Tips for the Journey towards your Career
In words of a great master, Yogi Berra, “if you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll be lost when you get there.” Choosing a career is setting off on a path which is completely a personal call. Mix passion along with a healthy reality ... Continue Reading →
Exploring the Finest Business Schools of Southern India
Indian business schools are known all over the world for their quality education and credibility. Many of these highly-ranked business schools are located in the southern region of the country. These institutes create thousands of professionals every year, prepare ... Continue Reading →
How Personal Should Your Personal Statement Be?
Panic is often a feeling that presents itself when it comes to crafting the perfect personal statement for your college or university application, but with the right know-how you can confidently pitch your skills, successes and qualities to have your pick of places.
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Online Colleges Require Participation for Success
According to the National Survey of Student Engagement, research has shown that a student’s success is directly related to his participation, or involvement, in the educational experience. This is particularly true in the online learning environment where ... Continue Reading →
Top 5 Reasons You Should Go Back to School
From a young age, people have been told that school is very important. Elementary school, middle school and high school all prepare us to live in the world, while college can prepare us for careers that would otherwise not be options. Conventional wisdom would ... Continue Reading →
Online Education vs. On-campus Education for a College Graduation
A lot of people contemplate on how to go about college. Sometimes, some don’t even bother going to college at all. Well, that’s their choice. This article will help you decide which environment best suits you or how to deal with the college educational atmosphere ... Continue Reading →
The Next Hazardous Economic Bubble is Student Loans
Just like the financial crisis that befell this country as a result of the burst of the housing bubble and the glut of toxic assets clogging the balance sheets of many banks and financial institutions, it appears that the mounting student debt is about to create ... Continue Reading →